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Automatically export Google Docs from your Content Calendar

Link your Trello or Asana account to Cloudpress, and we’ll automatically export content from attached Google Docs to your CMS

Google Docs Logo
Trello Logo
Asana Logo
Google Docs Logo
WordPress Logo
Webflow Logo
Contentful Logo
Sanity Logo Logo

Works with your existing tools

Google Docs logoWordPress LogoWebflow LogoContentful LogoSanity Logo LogoTrello LogoAsana Logo

Get your content published faster

With Cloudpress you spend less time copying and fixing your content, and more time working on your business.

  • Before Cloudpress

  • Write content in Google Docs
  • Copy content to CMS
  • Fix formatting errors
  • Compress images
  • Upload and relink images
  • Create embeds for YouTube videos
  • Upload featured image
  • Update category, author, tags, etc.
  • Publish content on your CMS
  • Drag task to Published column
  • With Cloudpress

  • Link document to task
  • Write content in Google Docs
  • Drag task to Published column
  • more time for running your business and doing creative work

Don't just take our word for it

We save our customers time. A lot of it. Hear from our customers on how Cloudpress freed up their time, allowing them to focus on other work.

  • “We use the Google Doc browser extension to send content integrations that used to take us 45 minutes or more in 5 minutes. A must! The product evolves and improves the possibilities of using our CMS as we go along.”
    Romain Lenglet

    Romain Lenglet

    SEO Manager, Agicap

  • “This past week, Cloudpress reduced our Google Docs to Contentful upload time from 8 hours per week to only 1 hour with perfect formatting. Cloudpress enabled the launch of a campaign in less time than we anticipated.”
    Vanessa Hojda

    Vanessa Hojda

    Senior Content Marketing Manager, Shopify

  • Start saving time today

    Sign up for a free trial today and start automating your Content Calendar

    Features to speed up your workflow

    Your content publishing workflow should be as effortless as possible. Every part of Cloudpress is designed with this goal in mind.

    Stay inside your project management tool

    Stay inside your project management tool

    Our integration allows you to completely automate the export of content to your CMS whenever a task in your project management tool reaches the required status.

    Preserve your formatting

    Preserve your formatting

    Keep using text formatting (such as bold, italic, and underlined text), lists, tables, code blocks, and more. Your styles will be preserved as much as possible, according to your CMS's capabilities.

    Compress images

    Compress images

    Save bandwidth and improve website speed by automatically compressing and resizing images. Optionally convert your images to WebP format.

    SEO optimize images

    SEO optimize images

    Your image filenames, alt text, and description are preserved. You can optionally override any of these settings to ensure your images are optimized for SEO.

    Export to multiple fields

    Export to multiple fields

    Our innovative processing directive technology allows you to split the rich text content from your Google Doc to multiple fields in your CMS.

    Automatic embeds

    Automatic embeds

    Do you want to include content from YouTube, TikTok, and other hundreds of other social media platforms? Add a link to the content in your document, and it will be converted to the correct embed code during export.

    Update additional fields

    Update additional fields

    The content in your CMS is more than just the rich text from the Google Doc. It includes additional fields and taxonomies, such as the author, categories, featured image, and more. Save time by having these fields updated as part of the export process.

    Export raw content

    Export raw content

    Sometimes, you want to add content to your CMS that Google Docs does not natively support. For these occasions, our Raw Content Block feature will save the day.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    All your questions about automating your Content Calendar answered.

      Do you have a free trial?

      Yes, we have a 14-day trial that allows you to export 5 documents.

      Is the export completely automated?

      Yes, once you have configured Cloudpress, we will automatically export the document attached to a task in your project management tool whenever a task is moved to the completed state.

      Will the exported content be published in my CMS?

      Yes, you can choose whether you want the content exported as a draft or published to your live website.

      Will my formatting be preserved?

      Yes, we preserve your formatting as much as possible. We support headings, text formatting (such as bold, italics, and underline), tables, code blocks, and more.

      Can I re-export a document?

      Yes, when you re-export a document, Cloudpress will update the previously exported content in your CMS with the latest content from the document.

      Are my images exported?

      Yes, all your images are exported to your CMS, and Cloudpress will create a link to the image in your exported content.

      Can I specify the alt text and caption for images?

      Yes, Cloudpress will use the alt text and description from the image in the document. Alternatively, you can override these using our image processing directive.

      Are my images compressed?

      Yes, you can optionally configure Cloudpress to compress and resize your images. You can also choose to convert images to the latest WebP format.

      Can I update the author, category, tags, slug, etc.?

      Yes, Cloudpress allows you to update any additional fields in your CMS by adding a Property Table to your document.

      Can I set a featured image?

      Yes, you can update the featured image and any other custom image fields using our innovative Property Table technology.

      Can I export from a Shared Google Drive?

      Yes, if the Google account you used when connecting your Google Drive has access to the document on the Shared Drive, Cloudpress will export it.

    Start saving time today

    Sign up for a free trial today and start automating your Content Calendar

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